of the Czech Committee of the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage



1)  The Czech name of the association established under this Constitution shall be „Èeský výbor Mezinárodní komise pro závlahy a odvodòování“. The equivalent English name shall be „the Czech Committee of the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage“.

2) The Czech Committee of the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (hereinafter the Czech Committee only) is being established under the Act No. 116/1985 Coll. On conditions of activity of organisations with an international element in the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic in the wording of further regulations, as a special organisation for representing the interests  of  the Czech Republic in the international non-governmental organisation - International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (hereinafter ICID only). The Czech Committee shall be active on the whole territory of the Czech Republic. The seat of the Czech Committee shall be Výzkumný ústav meliorací a ochrany pùdy Praha, Žabovøeská 250, 156 27 Praha 5-Zbraslav (Research Institute for Soil and Water Conservation).

3)  The Czech Committee shall be a National Committee of ICID for the Czech Republic in the sense of the ICID Constitution.

4)  The purpose of the Czech Committee shall be to associate the Czech Republic specialists  in the field of  irrigation and drainage of land, training small water streams, construction and maintenance of small water reservoirs, soil erosion control, flood control and other measures for improving and protecting soil  and small agricultural and forested catchments, as well as legal persons and state administration bodies interested in this field of activity (hereinafter the professional public only) for the purpose of their representation before ICID, of mediating the information flow between them and ICID, of mediating their participation in the ICID professional activities and in the ICID bodies, of organising the professional ICID activities in the Czech Republic and  professional activities of the Czech Committee and of general spreading and interchange of information among the specialists in the Czech Republic and abroad. In this way the Czech Committee shall support the development of the mentioned scientific, technical and practical fields and assist in their positive effect on the national economy, on the society climate and on the environment in the Czech Republic and in the other countries of the world.

5) Through its activity, decisions and standpoints the Czech Committee represents the whole Czech professional public and the whole Czech Republic before ICID.



6) A member of the Czech Committee can be:

a) a natural person having permanent residence in the Czech Republic,

 b) a legal person having its seat in the Czech Republic and delegating at least one its representative to the Czech Committee, a holder of an officially authenticated written authorisation granted by such a legal entity to be its representative in the Czech Committee. The Executive Council of the  Czech Committee can in individual cases that not arise any doubt decide that the requirement of official authentication of the written authorisation may be refrained from.

7) A legal person’s representative in the Czech Committee can, during the meetings of the bodies and organisation units of the Czech Committee, make statements, take standpoints and accept obligations on behalf of the legal person that he/she represents in the extent in which he/she was authorised by this legal person and in which the legal order of the Czech Republic allows it. If such a representative is a member of a body or of an organisation unit of the Czech Committee, the legal person which he/she represents shall be consequently expected to be sufficiently informed about the activity of this body or organisation unit.

 8)  Natural or legal persons´ membership in the Czech Committee arises as of the moment of their registration in the membership register of the Czech Committee at the General Meeting of the Czech Committee or at the meeting of the Executive Council of the Czech Committee based on a written or oral manifestation of will of a natural or legal person to become a member of the Czech Committee. In case of a legal person either a written  and officially authenticated manifestation of its will to become a member shall be necessary for this, or a written or oral declaration of its representative whose officially authenticated authorisation of representation the Executive Council of the Czech Committee can look into. As regards refraining from the requirement for an official authentication of written authorisations according to the previous sentence the respective provisions of Article 6) are proportionally  valid.

 9) The membership of natural and legal persons in the Czech Committee becomes extinct:

a) if a member of the Czech Committee notifies the Executive Council of the Czech Committee in writing that it intends to terminate its membership in the Czech Committee as of a certain date, then its membership becomes extinct either as of this date or as of the date of delivery of this notice to the  Executive Council of the Czech Committee, that is as of the later of these dates. The  Executive Council of the Czech Committee shall, at its earliest meeting following the delivery of the notice about the intended membership termination, take into account this fact, confirm the date of the membership termination according to the above mentioned principles  and inform in writing the member whose membership is being terminated.

b) in case of natural persons by the death of the member, in case of legal persons by their extinction, that is as of the day on which these facts occurred.

c) in case the Czech Committee terminates its activity, as of the day of termination of this activity.

10) A member of the Czech Committee - a natural person - shall have the right:

a) to participate in the General Meeting of the Czech Committee and in the decisions made by the General Meeting,

b) to vote and to be elected to the Executive Council and to the Audit Commission of the Czech Committee,

c) to be informed by the Executive Council of the  Czech Committee at the General Meeting of the  Czech Committee about all matters  connected with the activity of ICID and of the  Czech Committee, provided that the Executive Council of the  Czech Committee itself is informed about them,

d) to be represented by the Executive Council of the  Czech Committee before ICID,

e) to be informed in a brief form about the professional activities of ICID and of the  Czech Committee being prepared, about the establishment of organisation committees for these activities and about the establishment of professional commissions of the  Czech Committee,

f) to apply for participation in the professional activities of  ICID and of the  Czech Committee, for  work in organisation committees of the professional activities of the Czech Committee, and for work in  professional commissions of the  Czech Committee; his/her application for participation in professional activities of ICID or for  work in the organisation committee of a professional activity  of the  Czech  Committee or in a professional commission of the Czech Committee can only be rejected by the Executive Council of the  Czech Committee for the reason of lack of  funds to cover the expenses of his/her participation, or because earlier the applicant demonstrably caused a material or a moral detriment to ICID or to the  Czech Committee; his/her application to professional activities of the  Czech Committee can be rejected for similar reasons by the respective organisation committee of the professional activity.

g) to be elected by the Executive Council of the  Czech Committee to the office of a representative of the  Czech Committee in the International Executive Council of ICID,

h) to be taken into consideration by the Executive Council of the  Czech Committee when representatives of the  Czech Committee are being proposed for offices in ICID.

A member of the Czech Committee - a legal person -  shall exercise the rights mentioned above under points a), b), c), g) and h) through its representatives and the rights mentioned above under points d), e) and f) directly.

The membership register shall be kept by the Executive Council of the  Czech Committee. The Executive Council and the Audit Commission members only shall have access to the personal and further identification  data of the membership register and   may  not convey these data without the consent of those concerned to further persons and institutions. This provision shall be applicable to other organisation units of the  Czech Committee as well, for instance if they keep a list of professional activities participants.

12) The Czech Committee members shall pay an annual membership fee to the  Czech Committee’s treasury.  The General Meeting of the  Czech Committee shall decide about the amount of the fee, the term of its payment and the fines for a payment delay. The fee amount can be determined differently for natural and legal persons and for other individual member categories (for instance for students,  pensioners, honorary members and similarly).



13) a) The supreme body of the  Czech Committee shall be the General Meeting of the  Czech Committee (hereinafter General Meeting only).

b) The regular General Meeting shall take place at least once in three years,   the extraordinary General Meeting shall take place as needed and in cases stipulated by Article 17 (c).   

c) The General Meeting shall be called by the Executive Council of the  Czech Committee. The constituent General Meeting shall be called by the Preparatory Committee for the Establishment of the  Czech Committee (hereinafter the Preparatory Committee only). The General Meeting shall constitute a quorum if there are at least eight members of the  Czech Committee´ Executive Council present (at the constituent General Meeting at least eight members of the Preparatory Committee), at least two Audit Commission Members (this does not apply to the constituent General Meeting) and at least three other  Czech Committee members (at the constituent General Meeting at least three other registered participants complying with the criteria imposed on a member of the  Czech Committee - a natural person,  or on a representative of a  Czech Committee member - a legal person, mentioned in Article 6) of this Constitution, with the difference that the representative of a legal person may have only an authority to represent the legal person at the constituent General Meeting.

d) The voting at the General Meeting shall be by the public vote. The exception shall form the elections to the Executive Council  and to the Audit Commission of the Czech Committee, the decision about recalling a member of the Executive Council or of the Audit Commission of the  Czech Committee that shall be performed by a secret ballot. The General Meeting decision shall be valid if a clear majority of the  Czech Committee members present  voted for (at the constituent General Meeting a clear majority of the registered participants complying with the criteria imposed on a member of the  Czech Committee - a natural person,  or on a representative of a  Czech Committee member - a legal person mentioned in Article 6) of this Constitution, with the difference that the representative of a legal person may have only an authority to represent the legal person at the constituent General Meeting only. The validity of the vote to the Executive Council of the Czech Committee shall be determined under Article 15 a) and to the Audit Commission of the Czech Committee under Article 18 a) of this Constitution. Each member of the Czech Committee - a natural person and each representative of the Czech Committee member - a legal person shall have one vote at the General Meeting. A person who is at the same time a member of the Czech Committee  - a natural person, and a representative of a Czech Committee member - a legal person shall have in total one vote only. At the constituent General Meeting each registered participant complying with the criteria imposed on a Czech Committee member - a natural person, or on a representative of a Czech Committee member - a legal person mentioned under Article 6) of this Constitution, shall have  one vote only, with the difference that the representatives of legal persons shall have a vote even when they are authorised to represent the legal person at the constituent General Meeting only.

14) The General Meeting:

a) approves the Constitution of the Czech Committee and its changes and amendments; is obliged to change the Constitution of the Czech Committee in a corresponding way if ICID becomes extinct or if  the Czech Republic leaves ICID,

b)  elects the Executive Council of the Czech Committee,

c)  elects the Audit Commission of  the Czech Committee,

d)  decides about the completion of the Executive Council or of the Audit Commission of the Czech Committee in the course of their period of office so far as a member of the Executive Council or Audit Commission resigns on his/her office or his/her membership in the Czech Committee becomes extinct, or, in case of a legal person’s representative, if the validity of his/her authorisation of representation becomes extinct,

e) decides about recalling a member of the Executive Council or of the Audit Commission of the Czech Committee if this member had caused earlier a material or moral detriment to ICID or to the Czech Committee and any member of the Czech Committee brought this fact to the attention of the General Meeting, or of the Executive Council, or of the Audit Commission of the Czech Committee; in especially serious cases this may concern all members of the Executive Council or of the Audit Commission,

f) proposes to a member of the Czech Committee - a legal person to abolish the authorisation of its representative to represent it in the Czech Committee, so far as this representative had caused earlier a material or moral detriment to ICID or to the Czech Committee  and any member of the Czech Committee brought this fact to the attention of the General Meeting, or of the Executive Council, or of the Audit Commission,

g) approves the activity and the management of economy of the Executive Council of the Czech Committee for the period from the preceding General Meeting and formulates in a form of a binding resolution the reservations concerning this activity and this management of economy; while doing it, it may not neglect the standpoint of the Audit Commission; the constituent General Meeting approves the activity of the Preparatory Committee,

h) approves the plan of activity  and the budget of the Czech Committee for the period following the General Meeting,

i)  discusses all questions connected with the activity of ICID and of the Czech Committee and adopts resolutions concerning them that are binding and decisive for all the bodies and organisation units of the Czech Committee to which it may concern,

j) for the purpose of realisation of its above mentioned tasks the General Meeting shall elect, at the beginning of its session and following the proposal of the existing Executive Council (the constituent General Meeting following the proposal of the Preparatory Committee) the necessary working commissions and aids, for instance a working board, a mandate commission, a commission for submitting proposals, scrutineers, minute clerks  and similarly.  The minutes of the meeting and the resolution of the General Meeting shall be signed and  their correctness shall be held responsible for by the signatures of two members of the existing Executive Council (in case of the constituent General Meeting by two members of the Preparatory Committee) and by two members of the Czech Committee who shall not be the members either of the existing Executive Council or of the existing Audit Commission (in case of the constituent General Meeting by two registered participants complying with the criteria imposed on a Czech Committee member - a natural person, or on a representative of a Czech Committee member - a legal person mentioned under Article 6) of this Constitution,  with the difference that the representatives of legal persons may have only an authorisation to represent the legal person at the constituent General Meeting),

k) decides about the termination of the activity of the Czech Committee and about the withdrawal of the Czech Republic membership of  ICID.

The constituent General Meeting called by the Preparatory Committee shall have the same competence as the General Meeting,  while all persons present who were duly registered and who comply with the criteria imposed on a member of the  Czech Committee - a natural person,  or on a representative of a  Czech Committee member - a legal person, mentioned in Article 6) of this Constitution, shall have the vote, with the difference that the representatives of legal persons may have an authority to represent the legal person at the constituent General Meeting only. The same criteria shall also be valid for the right to be elected  by the constituent General Meeting, however, the condition to be registered at the constituent General Meeting shall fall away;  for the representatives of legal persons, unless they are personally present at the constituent General Meeting, the condition to have, as of the moment of the vote, a valid authorisation of the institution they are or they will be representing, shall fall out as well.

15 a) The Executive Council of the Czech Committee (hereinafter Executive Council only) shall have fifteen members. The Executive Council members shall be elected by the General Meeting for a three year period of  office.  The election shall be performed by a secret ballot.  Fifteen candidates who received the highest number of votes out of all candidates being voted for, even in case that some of the elected persons did not receive a clear majority of votes of the Czech Committee members present at the General Meeting, shall be elected. In order to be elected, a candidate has to receive at least seven votes. The Executive Council member must be, as of the moment of his/her election, a member of the Czech Committee as a natural person, or a representative of a Czech Committee member - a legal person (this is not applicable to the constituent General Meeting).

b) The period of  office of the Executive Council shall begin after the session of the General Meeting at which all fifteen members of the Executive Council were elected, namely at  the moment of opening the first meeting of the Executive Council. The period of  office of the existing Executive Council shall terminate at the moment of opening the first meeting of the new Executive Council. An authorised member of the existing Executive shall call, open and conduct the first meeting of the new Executive Council, namely, until the moment when the new Executive Council elects its Chairman who then takes over these duties. The first meeting of the Executive Council after the constituent General Meeting shall be called, opened and conducted in a similar way by  a Preparatory Committee member authorised for this task.

c) The voting at the Executive Council meetings shall be performed by a public vote. The Executive Council shall form a quorum if at least eight of its members are present. The decision of the Executive Council shall be valid if a clear majority of the Executive Council members present vote for. In case of an even number of votes the Chairman shall have the casting vote.

d) No member of the Czech Committee can be an Executive Council member for a continuos period longer than two full three year periods of office. Partial periods of office, when someone becomes an Executive Council member in replacement of  other member who resigned or was recalled, or if he/she himself/herself  resigns or is recalled prior to the end of this period of office, shall not be included in this number.

e) Former members of the Executive Council of the Czech Committee have the right to be invited and to take part in the Executive Council meetings with an advisory vote for three calendar years after their period of  office has terminated, while the year when their period of  office ended is not included.

f) An Executive Council member may resign from his/her  office. On his/her intention to resign, he/she must inform the Executive Council in writing. The Executive Council shall determine the date of resignation of such a member, while it may not ignore the view of the resigning member; if the resigning member is a representative of a  Czech Committee member - a legal person, the Executive Council may not ignore its view either. The resignation date can be determined for no later than 6 months since the day when the written notice of the Executive Council member about his/her intention to resign was delivered to the Executive Council.

g) An Executive Council member shall cease to be the member as soon as the situation occurs that he/she is neither a  Czech Committee member as a natural person nor a representative of a  Czech Committee member - a legal person. If possible, such cases shall be resolved in advance through resignation of the Executive Council member from his/her  office, as it is stipulated by the previous paragraph. In contestable cases the decision shall be taken by the Executive Council which can determine for the former Executive Council member to perform his/her  office for a necessary period of time after the mentioned situation has occurred, however, no longer than until the next General Meeting.

h) The Executive Council meetings shall take place at least twice a year.

16 a) The Executive Council shall elect from its midst the Chairman, the Vice-Chairman, the Secretary and further Office-Bearers as necessary, and determine the extent  of their authority and responsibility towards the Executive Council in compliance with this Constitution.

b) For the purpose of ensuring due management of financial and other resources the Executive Council shall elect from its midst and recall the Treasurer and establish and terminate, if necessary, a respective economic department subordinate to the Executive Council.

c) The Executive Council Chairman shall call, open, conduct and close the  Executive Council meetings. The Vice-Chairman shall perform these activities in his/her absence. If the Vice-Chairman is not present either, another  Executive Council member elected for this purpose by the  Executive Council members present shall perform these activities. If the Chairman was not elected yet, an authorised member of the previous  Executive Council or, as the case may be, after the constituent General Meeting, the authorised member of the Preparatory Committee, even if he/she is not a member of the newly elected  Executive Council, shall fulfil these duties.

d) At the session of the International Executive Council of ICID the representative of the Czech Committee in the International Executive Council of ICID elected by the  Executive Council shall act in the name of the Czech Committee. In all other cases the  Executive Council Chairman shall act in the matters of the Czech Committee. In his/her absence, if a delay may threaten, the Vice-Chairman of the  Executive Council shall act in the name of the Czech Committee. The Chairman as well as the Vice-Chairman of the  Executive Council can authorise any further member of the  Executive Council to represent them in individual cases and to act in their place. In current, apparently incontestable matters the  Executive Council Secretary or a substitute authorised by him can act in the name of the Czech Committee. All above mentioned persons shall be obliged to inform on their activity the  Executive Council plenum at the next session.

17) The  Executive Council:

a) represents the Czech Committee externally, especially before ICID; it elects from the number of the Czech Committee members - natural persons and representatives of the Czech Committee members - legal persons a representative of the Czech Committee in the International  Executive Council of ICID;  it proposes the Czech Committee members - natural persons and representatives of the Czech Committee members - legal persons for  offices in ICID,

b) keeps the membership register, ensures the administration and management of economy of the Czech Committee and is responsible towards the General Meeting for all its activity and for managing the funds of the Czech Committee,

c) calls the regular General Meeting at least once during its period of  office. If  ICID becomes extinct or if the Audit Commission or at least a quarter of the Czech Committee members request the General Meeting summon, the Executive Council shall be obliged to call the General Meeting so that it takes place not later than within 90 days from the day when this situation occurred. Besides that, the  Executive Council can call the extraordinary General Meeting at any time. The  Executive Council shall decide on the date, hour and place of the General Meeting, prepare its program and propose its working commissions and aids and determine two of its members who will sign the minutes and the resolution of the General Meeting.  The  Executive Council shall be obliged to publish the date, hour and place of the General Meeting not later than  30 days  before the meeting is to take place,

d) proposes and prepares in writing a draft plan of activities and of the budget of the Czech Committee for the period following the General Meeting and it submits them to the General Meeting for approval; after their approval by the General Meeting it prepares a final written form of these documents.

e) prepares in writing and submits to the General Meeting for approval a report on the activity and management of economy  for the period prior to the General Meeting,

f) works and manages based on the approved plan of activity and budget and on further valid resolutions of the previous General Meetings; however, if unexpected circumstances  occur or the situation otherwise changes, the Executive Council shall decide and act  independently and give account of this activity at the next following General Meeting,

g)  organises professional activities of ICID in the Czech Republic or separate professional activities of the Czech Committee or professional activities organised in co-operation with other Czech, foreign or international organisations (in other places of this Constitution summarily: special  actions of the Czech Committee) or establishes  special organisation committees, if any, for this purpose; all Czech Committee members must be informed by the  Executive Council about the establishment of the organisation committees,

h) establishes, if needed, professional commissions for partial special  questions and associated activity; all Czech Committee members must be informed by the  Executive Council about the establishment of such commissions,

i) approves the applications of the Czech Committee members for the special  actions of ICID, for organisation committees of professional activities of the Czech Committee and for professional   commissions of the Czech Committee, it may not, however, reject or hold back these applications except in the cases mentioned in Article 10f),

 j)  informs the Czech Committee members about its activity and about the ICID activity  during the period between General Meetings,

 k) collects from the Czech Committee members a regular annual membership fee and uses it according to the budget approved by the General Meeting,

 l) nominates honorary members and Honorary Office-Bearers of the Czech Committee and specifies the extent of their rights exceeding the basic membership rights determined by this Constitution. The extended scope of rights of  honorary members may not be to the detriment of the authority and responsibility of the Executive Council or General Meeting according to this Constitution,

m) at its last meeting before the end of the period of office, the Executive Council shall appoint its member who will be charged by calling and conducting the meeting of the new Executive Council, and shall charge its members to hand over duly the documentation to the new Executive Council.

n)  prepares written minutes of its meetings,

o) can accept in the name of the Czech Committee gifts and subsidies intended for the support of the activities and objectives of the Czech Committee, however, it must account for them in the report on the management of economy submitted to the nearest following regular General Meeting with the indication of the donor,

p) informs about the ICID and the Czech Committee activity in professional  periodicals and in the mass media.

18) a) The Audit Commission of the Czech Committee (hereinafter Audit Commission only) shall comprise three members. The Audit Commission members shall be elected by the General Meeting for a three year period of  office.

The  voting shall be performed by a secret ballot. Three candidates who received the highest number of votes out of all candidates that were voted for shall be elected, even if some of the elected persons did not receive a clear majority of votes of the Czech Committee members present at the General Meeting. In order to be elected the candidate must receive at least seven votes. As of the moment of his/her election the Audit Commission member must be a member of the Czech Committee as a natural person, or a representative of a Czech Committee member - a legal person (this does not apply to the case of the constituent General Meeting).

b) The period of  office of the  Audit Commission shall begin after the session of the General Meeting at which all three members of the  Audit Commission  were elected, that is at the moment of opening the first meeting of the  Audit Commission. The period of  office of the existing  Audit Commission shall terminate at the moment of opening the first meeting of the new  Audit Commission. An authorised member of the existing  Audit Commission shall call, open and conduct the first meeting of the new  Audit Commission, that is until the new Audit Commission  elects its Chairman who then takes over these duties. The first meeting of the  Audit Commission  after the constituent General Meeting shall be called, opened and conducted in a similar way by a Preparatory Committee member authorised for this task.

c) The voting at the  Audit Commission meetings shall be performed  by a public vote. The  Audit Commission shall form a quorum if at least two of its members are present. The decision of the  Audit Commission shall be valid if a clear majority of the  Audit Commission members present vote for. In case of an  even number of votes, the Chairman shall have the casting vote.

d) No member of the Czech Committee can be a  Audit Commission member for a continuous period longer than two full three year periods of  office. A partial periods of office, when someone becomes a  Audit Commission member in replacement of its other member who resigned or was recalled, or if he/she himself/herself resigns or is recalled prior to the end of this period of  office, shall not be included in this number.

e) A Audit Commission member can resign from his/her  office. he/she must inform on his/her intention to resign the Audit Commission in writing. The  Audit Commission shall determine the date of resignation of such a member, while it may not ignore the view of the resigning member; if the resigning member is a representative of a  Czech Committee member - a legal person, the  Audit Commission may not ignore its view either. The resignation date can be determined for no later than 6 months since the day when the written notice of the  Audit Commission member on his/her intention to resign was delivered to the Audit Commission.

f) A Audit Commission  member shall cease to be its member as soon as the situation occurs that he/she is neither a  Czech Committee member as a natural person nor a representative of a  Czech Committee member - a legal person. If possible, such cases shall be resolved in advance through resignation of the  Audit Commission  member from his/her  office, as stipulated by the previous paragraph. In contestable cases the decision shall be taken by the Audit Commission which can state that the former  Audit Commission member should perform his/her  office for a necessary period of time after the mentioned situation has occurred, however, not longer than until the next General Meeting.

g) The  Audit Commission meetings shall take place at least once a year. Besides that, the  Audit Commission or any of its members shall have the right to take part in all the meetings of the Executive Council  or of any other body or organisation unit of the Czech Committee, without the voting right.  The Audit Commission  and its individual members shall have the right to look into all written papers and documents, into the statements of accounts and into the treasury cash of the Czech Committee, of the Executive Council and of any other body or organisation unit of the Czech Committee, including the  Audit Commission itself. Further agents authorised by the  Audit Commission in writing shall only have this right in the extent expressly stated in their authorisation.

h) No member of the  Audit Commission may be at the same time a member of the Executive Council.

19) a) The  Audit Commission shall elect from its midst and recall the Chairman, the Vice-Chairman and further Office-Bearers as needed, and  determine the extent of their authority and responsibility towards the  Audit Commission in compliance with this Constitution.

b) The Chairman of the  Audit Commission shall call, open, conduct and close the meetings of the  Audit Commission. In his/her absence these functions shall be performed by the Vice-Chairman. If the Chairman has not been elected yet, an authorised member of the previous  Audit Commission, or, after the constituent General Meeting, an authorised member of the Preparatory Committee, that is even if he/she is not a member of the newly elected Audit Commission shall fulfil these duties.

20) The  Audit Commission:

a) checks and revises all activity and management of economy of the Czech Committee, of the Executive Council and of all other bodies and organisation units of the Czech Committee, that is from all points of view it considers necessary, including but not limited to and non-omissibly, from the point of view of observing the legal order of the Czech Republic, this Constitution, the approved plans of activity and budgets and resolutions of all previous General Meetings and from the point of view of purposefulness and economy,

b) during its period of  office prepares in writing and presents at General Meeting a report on its activity and its standpoint to the activity of the Czech Committee as a whole, of the Executive Council and of all other bodies and organisation units of the Czech Committee; while doing this it may not omit any circumstance that could have a significance for the decision of the General Meeting; the Audit Commission must, including but not limited to, inform the General Meeting in an appropriate way on all the facts that the  Audit Commission and its members and its agents got to know and that are associated with the activity of the Czech Committee, or of its bodies and organisation units,

c)  has the right to ask the Executive Council to call an extraordinary General Meeting and the Executive Council has to grant this demand, in compliance with the Article 17c) of this Constitution,

d)  can authorise in writing other natural and legal persons, that is also non-members of the Czech Committee, for expressly specified revision acts concerning the activity of the Czech Committee and of its bodies and organisation units; so far as the mentioned persons are to be paid for their activity on behalf of the  Audit Commission, a preliminary consent of the General Meeting shall be necessary for the validity of such an authorisation,

e) at its last meeting before the end of the period of  office, the  Audit Commission shall designate its member who will be charged to call and conduct the meeting of the new  Audit Commission, and charge its members with a due hand over of  the  documentation to the new  Audit Commission, 

f)  prepares written minutes of its meetings.




21) The Czech Committee, being a constitutive unit of ICID, shall observe in addition to its Constitution also the Constitution  and the By- Laws of ICID.

22) The General Meeting shall decide generally on the extent , way and financing of the Czech Committee participation in the activity of ICID, including but not limited to, the sessions of the International Executive Council of ICID and the International Congresses on Irrigation and Drainage organised by ICID.  The representative of the Czech Committee in the International Executive Council of ICID shall be elected and recalled by the Executive Council of the Czech Committee. This representative must be, as of the moment of his/her election, a member of the Czech Committee or a representative of a member of the Czech Committee - a legal person. The representative of the Czech Committee shall submit to the International Executive Council of ICID proposals and standpoints in the name of the Czech Committee, shall vote in the intentions of the Czech Committee and can, with the consent of the Executive Council of the Czech Committee and in compliance with the Constitution and By-Laws of ICID, accept positions in the bodies of ICID. The Executive Council can also delegate more representatives to the session of  the International Executive Council of ICID, it must determine, however, which of them will have the voting right in the International Executive Council. Each representative of the Czech Committee in  the International Executive Council of ICID, unless he/she is himself/herself  a member of the Executive Council,  shall have the right to take part in all the meetings of the Executive Council with an advisory  vote, that is during the whole time for which his/her authorisation to represent the Czech Committee in  the International Executive Council of ICID shall be valid.

23) The representative of the Czech Committee in  the International Executive Council of ICID may resign from his/her  office. He/she shall have to inform on his/her intention to resign  the Executive Council in writing. The date as of which the resignation of the representative of the Czech Committee in  the International Executive Council shall take place shall be determined by the Executive Council of the Czech Committee, while it may not omit the view of the person resigning; if the person resigning is a representative of a member of the Czech Committee - a legal person, the Executive Council may not omit its view either. At the same time the resignation must comply with the Constitution and By-Laws of ICID.  The date of resignation may not be determined for a time later than one year since the day when the written notice of the representative of the Czech Committee in  the International Executive Council of ICID on his/her intention to resign  was delivered to the Executive Council. If a situation occurs that the existing representative of the Czech Committee in  the International Executive Council of ICID  is no more a member of the Czech Committee as a natural person, or  a representative of a member of the Czech Committee - a legal person, it shall be the authority of the Executive Council to decide that such a representative should perform his/her  office for the necessary period of time even after the mentioned situation occurred, but, not longer than until the next General Meeting.

24) Official written and oral communication between the Czech Committee on the one side and the supreme bodies of ICID, that are especially  the International Executive Council, Office-bearers, Management Board and Central Office and their officials on the other side, shall take place exclusively through the Executive Council of the Czech Committee and its Office-Bearers and agents, that shall be in the English or French languages. For resignation of the Czech Republic from ICID a consent of the General Meeting shall be necessary.

25) If  the International Executive Council of ICID decides so (based on a proposal of the Executive Council and after preliminary approval of the General Meeting),  the Executive Council of the Czech Committee shall organise a session of  the International Executive Council in the Czech Republic. The Executive Council of the Czech Committee can use this session, in compliance with the Constitution and By-Laws of ICID, for organising a professional activity. This shall be considered as a professional activity  of  ICID and of the Czech Committee in the wording of this Constitution.



26) The Czech Committee shall gain resources for financing its activity from subsidies of state administration bodies and of legal persons, from donations of natural and legal persons, membership fees, entrance fees paid by the participants of professional activities, revenues from sale of publications and other activities that do not violate the legal order of the Czech Republic and this Constitution. No profit shall be generated and distributed among its members by the activity of the Czech Committee.

27) The Czech Committee can expend the financial funds it has available for purposes that are in compliance with its objectives and this Constitution and with the objectives, Constitution and By-Laws of ICID. Dispensing the means must be economical and purposeful to the highest extent and must comply with the legal order of the Czech Republic.        

28) The economic management of the Czech Committee shall be governed  by the budget approved by the General Meeting. Every General Meeting shall approve the budget for the period beginning with the date of its session until the next following  regular General Meeting.

29) All revenues and expenses of the Czech Committee must be duly registered and documented in the report on management of economy and its annexes that the Executive Council shall submit for  approval to the General Meeting. Every General Meeting shall revise and approve the report of the Executive Council on management of economy for the period since the previous General Meeting until the date of its session.

30) The supervision over the activity and management of economy of the Executive Council and of the whole Czech Committee shall be performed, based on the authority of the General Meeting, by the Audit Commission that shall submit its report to every General Meeting.



31) The Czech Committee reassumes the activity of the former Czechoslovak National Committee of ICID that became extinct as of December 31, 1992 as a consequence of the extinction of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic. It shall take over its archive and its professional literature library, it shall not take over, however, its legal and financial obligations, if any.

32) The Czech Committee shall become extinct:

a) by voluntary dissolution, if the General Meeting decides to terminate its activity as of a certain date, as of this date,

b) if the Ministry of Interior decides to withdraw its approval based on the Act No. 116/1985 in the wording of later regulations.

The way of termination of the activity and settlement of obligations and receivables of the Czech Committee shall be governed by the valid legal order of the Czech Republic.

33) This Constitution or its changes and amendments shall become effective if registered by the Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic and approved by the General Meeting, or by the constituent General Meeting.


In Prague on July 23, 97

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